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Welcome to the Southcoast Nurses Toolkit

This page is dedicated to the Southcoast Health Nurse’s needs from a nursing standpoint, while also facilitating the Southcoast Health’s Nurses Vision, Policies and procedures, Professional Development, Patient and medical support guides and much more.

Nursing News


In support of the Southcoast Health mission to improve the health of all members of our community by reducing health inequities, we are offering cultural competence training for healthcare professionals.

The cultural competence training modules focus on skills and knowledge that value diversity, provide intercultural communication and identify potential barriers to care. Help support our collective efforts in the journey to becoming a culturally competent health care organization through patient-centered care!

Please click here:

The Southcoast Health Nurse


Peer Support


Journey through COVID-19:  Tell Your Story

Submit your story here or download the word document and email Sarah Eby at

Southcoast and Community Events 

Relevant Healthcare Articles

Career Opportunities

Professional Development

Documents, Resources, and Medical Information 

Policies, Protocols and Procedures

Medical Records Page

Downloadable Patient Forms

Unit Profiles

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion