Meaghan was not worried when she was called back for a repeat mammogram, but she paid attention when the radiologist ordered an immediate ultrasound after reading the results.
Read Meaghan’s full experience with Southcoast Health Breast Care here.
1 in 8 women in the US will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. A simple mammogram is your best defense in the fight against breast cancer, allowing for early detection when treatment is most successful.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time to raise awareness and remind women everywhere not to delay important annual mammogram screenings – early detection is key!
At Southcoast Health, we are committed to easing your fears and concerns, and ensuring that your mammogram screening is a comfortable, caring, and convenient experience.
More caring. More answers. Southcoast Health Breast Center

The Southcoast Health Breast Care has redefined breast care, providing patients with private and convenient screening options, timely information, and a team of specialists who put both the physical and emotional needs of our patients first.
Important Reminders
Mammograms starting at age 40 are a routine part of breast care at Southcoast Health – in May 2023, The U.S Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) added its voice to the majority of national medical associations when it issued draft guidelines dropping the recommended age to start mammograms from 50 to 40. It joined the American Cancer Society, American Society of Breast Surgeons, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Radiology, and Society of Breast Imaging, which all hold similar guidelines.
What are the symptoms of breast cancer? – Early detection of breast cancer is vital to increasing your chances of a successful outcome.
Breast Health Assessment – This short assessment will help you learn if you have risk factors that may raise your breast cancer risk. It is not a complete review of all breast cancer risks. For a complete evaluation of your risks, see your healthcare provider.
Schedule Your Annual Mammogram – Early detection can be a key defense in the fight against cancer, allowing for earlier treatment and improved outcomes. Southcoast Health is here to help with convenient scheduling for these important screening tests.
What is Happening at Southcoast Health this Month?

Bouncing Back: The Patient Experience and Dr. Chung’s Expert Insights on Breast Cancer

Dr. Maureen Chung, MD, PhD, Medical Director of the Breast Care Program shares very encouraging insights that one day we can view this more as a disease than breast cancer. It’s highly detectable and treatable these days. Listen to her and her patient Susan talk about her experience with Dr. Chung and Southcoast Health Breast Care during her Cancer diagnosis.
Making Strides

Thank you to everyone who supported and joined the Southcoast Health Breast Savers Team at this year’s American Cancer Society’s Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.
Real Patients. Real Results.