Sunday, October 6, 2024
Southcoast Health is thrilled to host the 7th Annual Nicole Podkowa 5K Walk & Run in person this year! Last year we raised $75,000 for the Nicole Podkowa Patient and Caregiver Fund to support the basic needs of patients and their families at Southcoast Health Cancer Centers.
We have big goals for this year, and we need your help to make them happen!
For those that cannot join us in person but would still like to participate, you may still register for our virtual event and walk or run your 5K in the comfort of your own neighborhood, treadmill or local park.
Online registration will be open until 10/03/2024 at midnight EST. Day of Registration at the Southcoast Health Cancer Center will open at 7:30am on 10/06/2024.
Lemonade for a Cause
A thoughtful group of friends Briana, Nina, Sienna, Brynn and Scarlett came together to set up a lemonade stand benefiting Southcoast Health’s Nicole Podkowa Patient and Caregiver Fund.
Walk, Run or Volunteer to Make a Difference
Proceeds raised through this event will support the Nicole Podkowa Patient and Caregiver Fund. This unique fund supports patients being treated at the Southcoast Health Cancer Centers and their families who are in need of financial assistance to help with utility payments, food, housing, transportation, cancer related supplies and other necessities.
Invite your family and friends to join you in completing the 5K and encourage them to register!
Spread the word on social media! Hashtag #Podkowa5K2024 and tag @SouthcoastHlth when you post videos and photos of you participating in the 5K.
In addition to runners and walkers, we’re looking for Community Committee Members, volunteers, and peer-to-peer fundraisers. Want to learn more? Email Race Director Meg for info!
About the Podkowa 5K Walk & Run
This unique fund supports patients and their families who are receiving cancer treatment at the Southcoast Health Cancer Centers. This fund removes barriers to care by providing patients with assistance to help with utility payments, food, housing, transportation, cancer related supplies and other necessities. Your support allows our patients and their families to focus on what is most important – their battle against cancer.
We are so proud to be a part of such a caring and supportive community and could not have achieved this success without your support.
Check out some of the great photos from last year’s event below!