News Releases
Southcoast Breast Center leverages InBody Technology to prevent post-breast surgery Lymphedema

At the Southcoast Health Breast Center, we know that Lymphedema is easier to treat, and treatment is more likely to work, if detected sooner. Therefore, we have integrated InBody Technology, a non-invasive body composition tool, to assess Lymphedema signs.
The InBody test provides a detailed breakdown of a patient’s weight in muscle, fat, and water. The results are then used to evaluate the risk of developing Lymphedema. The test is as simple as stepping on a scale-like device – offering a non-invasive approach for patients.
Lymphedema can occur when there is a disruption in the flow of lymph nodes. The lymph nodes under the arm are called the axillary lymph nodes. They drain the lymphatic vessels from the upper arms, most of the breast, and the chest, neck, and armpit. During surgery for breast cancer, these nearby lymph nodes (and vessels) are often removed, disrupting lymph flow. The axillary lymph nodes also might be treated with radiation therapy – causing damage and scarring that affects how lymph flows through that area. All of this can lead to fluid buildup and swelling on the affected side, resulting in Lymphedema.
“With this new technology, we can diagnose Lymphedema sooner,” says Deana Wilson, RN, Breast Center Nurse Navigator. “By initiating treatment earlier, we can minimize symptoms and decrease the length of treatment needed.”
The National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) recognizes Southcoast’s Breast Center for its commitment to providing the highest level of quality breast care. We are dedicated to improving health and transforming the lives of the people we serve through medical technology advancements and top-quality, accessible, patient-centered care.
Talk to your doctor about our InBody testing, or call 855-749-3349 for more information. To learn more about the Southcoast Health Breast Center, visit