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Urgent Care

Allan Mabardy, MD, FACS, FASCRS

4.8 out of 5 (108 Ratings)


Colorectal Surgery / General Surgery / Surgery

About Allan Mabardy

Dr. Mabardy earned his bachelor’s degree in genetics, cell and developmental biology at Dartmouth College before completing his medical degree at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

A native of Boston, Dr. Mabardy is board certified in colon and rectal surgery, as well as general surgery. After completing a residency in General Surgery at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Brighton, he completed fellowship training in Colorectal Surgery at Florida Hospital in Orlando.

Before attending medical school, Dr. Mabardy participated in basic science research at the University of California San Francisco and was a 9th grade science teacher in New York City, where he earned his master’s degree from the City College of New York in secondary science education.

He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.


Practicing at the following locations:

  1. Southcoast Physicians Group General Surgery

    300B Faunce Corner Road
    Dartmouth, MA 02747

    P: 508-973-1020

    Get Directions 41.65998099999999 -70.99087600000001

Insurances Accepted

Southcoast accepts most major insurance plans. Call the Southcoast patient registration department at 844-297-2952 or your health plan with any questions regarding coverage.

Provider Ratings

Rating Willingness to recommend provider’s office Overall Provider Experience Courtesy and Respect of Staff

Patient Comments (33)

At Southcoast Health, we strive to deliver exceptional patient care along with an exceptional patient experience. We appreciate all of your feedback and share your comments to recognize the wonderful care our teams provide to you as well as identify areas for improvement.

  • Was seen promptly, not really much to say. I guess it could have been a telehealth visit instead but whatever

  • Dr. Mabardy and his staff were wonderful. I got all great news and what they have done for me so far is working out so well, I'm telling everyone because Dr. Mabardy told me if people just these two things every day, there would way fewer people with the same issues. Thank you!!

  • Dr Mabardy was fantastic explaining the procedure very thorough his staff was caring fantastic listening to my needs i feel comfortable him performing my surgery

  • TV in waiting room is broken and needs to be replaced

  • There all nice and they listen

  • No Complaints! Staff, PA's and Docs were all top-notch, friendly and helpful.

  • Great Experience with the Dr and his Staff! Incredibly Professional!

  • More availability on times to be seen. There's no reason to be waiting five, six weeks to see a doctor.

  • Explained everything carefully to me so I would understand. Did not rush me and answers all my questions.

  • Staff is amazing from the receptionist, to the medical assistants.They are kind, friendly and sensitive especially with those patients who demonstrate being nervous about the medical visit. [Name] [Name] and [Name] are amazing without ever dismissing their professionalism. I was very impressed with this team!

  • the doctor made me feel comfortable

  • Yes, they gave us misinformation when we got to the desk. They said the doctor was going to be a half 20 minutes late and he was more than that and I had an hour wait. So, but the doctor knew that, but the doctor was excellent. You couldn't ask for anything better and so was his health staff in the office. It's my first time with him and he was great. I gladly recommend him to someone else. Very nice, very informative and takes his time and explains things to you so that you understand. So, I know my opponent was a little late, but he made up for it. Let me tell you, he was excellent. Thank you.

  • A+

  • It was just a follow-up, nothing major.

  • The provider listened.Informed me if the next step in my care. An MRI

  • Friendly staff and doctor was sympathetic.

  • Dr Mabardyu00A0was kind and amazing to take care

  • Overall ok experience

  • Dr Mabardy listened carefully to my issue of pain from a wound drain and repositioned the drain to service the wound and my discomfort. He has a genuine and caring presence that I found reassuring. He answered my questions directly and patiently. His office procedure was professional and courteous. His supporting staff were the same. I'm very grateful for their expertise.

  • No complaints at all. Excellent all around !!!

  • The whole experience was favorable from start to finish.Their professionalism and courtesy was exemplary.

  • The doctor was giving of his time. Seemed very proficient in the subject matter.

  • Very professional and courteous staff. Answered all my questions.

  • Everything was excellent at my appointment

  • All the appointments I have attended here have run extremely smoothly and in a timely manner. Everyone I have seen there has been helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.

  • Everyone in this practitioner's office is great! They're patient and customer service focused. I never feel rushed

  • The physical environment is pleasant and the behavior, knowledge and friendliness of Dr. Mabardy, [Name] [Name] and all office staff are top notch. The visit was a great experience.

  • Excellant care and excellant work

  • Surgery was timely and recovery was complete before discharge. Saw staff every day in hospital. Charlton staff was excellent. Am fully recovered thank you.Surgeon very personable and thorough

  • Long wait n exam room for doctor to come in

  • all questions were answered

  • Besides waiting 50 minutes in the office everything else's was great. Dr Mabardy was attentive, listened carefully was thorough and explained clearly what options were available.

  • They are all very professional. This Dr. Should be one of the 10 top Docs in the region.

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Southcoast Health physician profiles now feature star ratings.  Below, you’ll find frequently asked questions about our process for calculating the ratings.

Why does Southcoast publish survey ratings online?
Southcoast is dedicated to providing patients and consumers with helpful information about the quality of our patients’ experiences. Star ratings published on our physician biography pages are based on actual responses from patients of that particular physician to patient satisfaction surveys that are distributed and processed by a national patient satisfaction survey vendor.

Who receives the survey?
Our vendor sends surveys via SMS or email to all patients seen in our outpatient physician practices who have a valid smart phone number or email address on file with Southcoast Health. Surveys are sent to patients within a few days of their appointment.

How is the Patient Satisfaction Star Rating Calculated?
Star ratings are calculated using an average of all survey responses to each of three questions: Courtesy and Respect of Staff, Provider Overall Rating, and  Willingness to Recommend Provider’s Office.  The star rating displayed on our physicians’ main biography page represents the average of the three measures for that particular physician.