Celebrating National EMS Week 2020

Every year in May, Southcoast Health joins the country in celebrating our EMS partners. EMS is a crucial but often unsung part of ensuring the public’s health and safety. This year, the superhuman efforts of paramedics and EMTs are more important than ever.
COVID-19 has presented us all with a public health crisis full of unknowns – a feeling first responders like EMS are all too familiar with. They charge into life-or-death situations on a daily basis during the best of times, let alone during a pandemic.
The coronavirus response requires vigilance, courage, clinical expertise, compassion, speed and smarts – just a few of the qualities that make EMS the heroes they are. Skillful and resilient, they rush to the aid of anyone in distress.
This week, we would like to take the opportunity to say a huge “THANK YOU” to all of our community EMS partners across the region. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for your empathy and your devotion to patient care. Thank you for taking the time away from your families to keep our residents safe 365 days a year. Thank you for your commitment.
To learn more about National EMS week, please visit the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT). To support your community EMS practitioners, check out the NAEMT and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) at EMS Strong campaign.