News Releases
Southcoast Health announces calendar of activities to recognize American Heart Month
Southcoast Health announced today its calendar of activities for February to recognize American Heart Month.

In recognition of American Heart Month Southcoast Health will Go Red for the month of February. All Southcoast social media sites and the Southcoast website will decked in red and will be promoting various heart healthy activities across the region.
Heart Walk sign-ups: Southcoast Health will begin organizing teams of staff, physicians, patients and the members of the community to participate in American Heart Association’s 2019 Heart Walk on May 11 at Bristol Community College in Fall River. To join a Southcoast Health team or start your own team visit Entering to walk under the Southcoast Health company name will make you eligible for a raffle to win special prizes.
The Southcoast Wellness Van will offer free blood pressure screenings at all its scheduled stops for the month of February. Blood pressure screenings are a standard free service offered by the wellness van as well as other free screenings and vaccinations. To see their full schedule and for more information please visit
Tune into radio stations WBSM 1420 AM on February 14 at 8:15 a.m. and WSAR 1480 AM on February 21 at 8:45 a.m. to learn heart health tips from Southcoast Health cardiac physicians.
- On February 14 on WBSM, heart health topics will be addressed by Dr. Adam Saltzman, Medical Director of the Structural Heart Disease program and Cardiac Catheterization Lab.
- On February 21 on WSAR, heart health topics will be covered by Dr. Peter Cohn, chair of the Department of Cardiology at Charlton Memorial Hospital and the Associate Physician-in-Chief for the Cardiovascular Care Center.
February 10 is Love Your Heart Day! Get a free blood pressure screening from the Southcoast Wellness Van between 9 a.m. and 1p.m. at the Maya K’iche Center, 1162 Acushnet Avenue in New Bedford. The Love Your Heart NB event brings various community partners together to offer blood pressure screenings and education to communities across the city. Visit for additional locations.
Join Be Well Wareham and take a step toward better health on February 23 with a wellness walk at the Gleason YMCA, located at 33 Charge Pond Road in Wareham. Be Well Wareham is a monthly walk with a doctor followed by yoga, meditation and nutrition class. The walk will be led by Southcoast Health’s cardiologist Dr. Ashwini Sahni. Be Well Wareham is a wellness partnership of Southcoast Health and YMCA Southcoast.
To learn more about Southcoast Health’s American Heart Month events, read the latest news for heart health, or take a heart health quiz please visit