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Urgent Care

Christina DeVincent, PA-C

4.9 out of 5 (145 Ratings)


Colorectal Surgery / Endocrine Surgery / General Surgery / Surgical Oncology

About Christina DeVincent

Christina DeVincent started her medical education at Michigan State University where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Physiology. She then completed her Master’s of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at Central Michigan University. From there she furthered her medical expertise, completing a post-graduate PA surgical residency at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, NY, where she was awarded PA Resident of the Year in 2009.

Christina’s personal philosophy of care includes building a relationship with patients so that they feel truly cared for in a personalized way. She takes the time at every visit to give her patients a sense of understanding, compassion, and quality of care.

When not at work, she spends her time photographing beautiful spots around New England, and enjoying life with her son.


Practicing at the following locations:

  1. Southcoast Physicians Group General Surgery

    300B Faunce Corner Road
    Dartmouth, MA 02747

    P: 508-973-1020

    Get Directions 41.65998099999999 -70.99087600000001

Insurances Accepted

Southcoast accepts most major insurance plans. Call the Southcoast patient registration department at 844-297-2952 or your health plan with any questions regarding coverage.

Provider Ratings

Rating Willingness to recommend provider’s office Overall Provider Experience

Patient Comments (38)

At Southcoast Health, we strive to deliver exceptional patient care along with an exceptional patient experience. We appreciate all of your feedback and share your comments to recognize the wonderful care our teams provide to you as well as identify areas for improvement.

  • They made me feel very comfortable. I was very anxious, but they were very supportive and understanding.

  • My very first visit I was impressed by the efficient care with such happy people who seemed to know and like their job especially as I was nervous with what I may be diagnosed with it made me feel that whatever happens I would be in good caring hands thank you.

  • Showing me images of my recent surgery was very helpful for me to understand what occurred,

  • Christinau00A0is a wonderful person in general. I've appreciated all her help in getting me healthy again.

  • Everything was done well up to standards

  • I waited almost an hour past my appointment time

  • The staff was very uplifting, I appreciated that they were direct, as my situation is stressful. They made my exam as quick as possible which made it easier. Thank you.

  • Everyone I spoke with, from reception to the end was courteous and professional. Even though my reasons for the appointment were personal and uncomfortable they all made me feel comfortable and well looked after.

  • ThoroughKnowledgeableWilling to assist/facilitate

  • This was a great visit. All of my concerns were addressed. Provider gave me a reasonable plan. I felt encouraged.

  • Dr DeVincent addressed all my issues and listened all my symptoms, the advise was very professional, I'm very satisfied with the appointment that I had with her, staff was very helpful. thank you very much.

  • You were all amazingu00A0

  • Between the providers to the staff always a pleasure to go into the office. Very efficient

  • Christinau00A0was very kind, listened to all my concerns, answered all my questions without rushing me out the door and made me feel comfortable.

  • Great staff and physicians

  • I have a letter going to the hospital about the entire experience, This was one of the better parts

  • Yes, this is [Name] [Name] speaking and all I can say is it was an excellent experience. Everybody is just really outstanding and I thank them very much and they certainly deserve kudos for their professionalism and kindness and efficiency.

  • very professional, friendly, helpful,everyone puts you at ease for dealing with what might be described as a generically embarrassing condition (hemorrhoids). You did great.

  • Christina was very thorough and answered my questions. Front desk was very pleasant. I can't think of any improvements needed.

  • Christina DeVincent, PA was excellent! Very professional, competent, confident and helpful. She is knowledgeable and explained everything. Her nurse and the office staff were all very courteous. Thank you all!!Sincerely,[Name] [Name]

  • All good No complaints.

  • Very pleasant to talk to. Understood that I was nervous and explained everything to me. Would highly recommend.

  • Christina was Exceptional! She listened to my Issues and gave me thoughtful recommendations! I really appreciated it and thoroughly enjoyed my Visit!

  • Staff was Awesome!! Very friendly! Made my visit very easy and made me feel comfortable!! I am a Southcoast Employee and this office is amazing!

  • I think the absolute best care was given, despite the complete confusion regarding my complex case. This provider made me feel heard for the first time in a very long time. She should be commended. For her excellent care!

  • The entire staff and Dr were always very polite

  • Very nice. Did not rush me. Explained everything carefully to me twice so I could understand what she was saying. Liked everyone who took care of me.

  • Very helpful staff

  • After months of issues Christina not only heard my concerns but gave me a solid plan on how I will be feeling better. She is amazing and I feel completely confident that my health issues will start to resolve.

  • The procedure went great and everything was explained well thank youu00A0

  • It was a very pleasant visit considering how uncomfortable I was to why I needed to be seen to receive the care I needed. From the staff to the providers I was made very comfortable and put at ease with my concerns and worries. Thank you!

  • Extremely pleased with the care provided by this office.

  • Everyone in the office was very friendly and made me feel very comfortable .[Name] [Name] explained the procedure so I understood everything . Christina was very kind and helpful . I would recommend this office highly to family or friends that needed a surgeon.

  • Everyone was friendly kind informative and respectful during my office visit! I thank all of you for that and not to forget when I called to make a appointment I spoke to two individuals that were very kind to me on the phone. A appointment was made within one day! Great job everyone!

  • My health issue was addressed .I was informed on the things I can do to omprove my recent health change,and to follow up .

  • The receptionist is always polite when I first walk in the door. I'm never sitting in the lobby for more than 10 minutes at the most. When I get taken into a room it's always by a very polite professional person. I'm never waiting in the room for too long before one of the doctors comes in to see me, usually Christina DeVincent. She's always polite and cheerful and professional and knows her stuff. I would very much recommend any family or friend to see them if they have a similar issue that I have. Thank you to that entire staff!

  • I was put at ease, things were explained well and provider did not seem rushed.

  • I was very pleased overall and this experience exceeded my expectations. I have no recommendation, but have such a small sample to work with (my first visit), I'm happy to feed back as my experiences grow.

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Southcoast Health physician profiles now feature star ratings.  Below, you’ll find frequently asked questions about our process for calculating the ratings.

Why does Southcoast publish survey ratings online?
Southcoast is dedicated to providing patients and consumers with helpful information about the quality of our patients’ experiences. Star ratings published on our physician biography pages are based on actual responses from patients of that particular physician to patient satisfaction surveys that are distributed and processed by a national patient satisfaction survey vendor.

Who receives the survey?
Our vendor sends surveys via SMS or email to all patients seen in our outpatient physician practices who have a valid smart phone number or email address on file with Southcoast Health. Surveys are sent to patients within a few days of their appointment.

How is the Patient Satisfaction Star Rating Calculated?
Star ratings are calculated using an average of all survey responses to each of three questions: Courtesy and Respect of Staff, Provider Overall Rating, and  Willingness to Recommend Provider’s Office.  The star rating displayed on our physicians’ main biography page represents the average of the three measures for that particular physician.