Practicing at the following locations:
Southcoast Health Gastroenterology
100 Rosebrook Way Third Floor
Wareham, MA 02571P: 508-973-4974
Get Directions 41.77422380000001 -70.73153839999998
Insurances Accepted
Southcoast accepts most major insurance plans. Call the Southcoast patient registration department at 844-297-2952 or your health plan with any questions regarding coverage.
Provider Ratings
Patient Comments (14)
At Southcoast Health, we strive to deliver exceptional patient care along with an exceptional patient experience. We appreciate all of your feedback and share your comments to recognize the wonderful care our teams provide to you as well as identify areas for improvement.
Mandy was very helpful and offered suggestions as to what I could try to do for my digestive health. She was also understanding that some of the issues stem from the neurostimulator that I have implanted. She has prescribed a new medication and is following up in six weeks and said call if I have any concerns.
Online check in went smooth. Seated in waiting area in a timely manner and scheduled appointment was spot on. Both the nurse and my provider were professional and demonstrated proficiency in their roles.
My time and needs were considered throughout the visit and with regard to follow up. I was extremely pleased with the care I received. I never felt talked down to or rushed. Excellent care.
Seen on time. Both the nurse and Dr interacted with my 93 yr old Mom professionally, respectfully and in a personal manner. Dr was well versed on Mom's history and, I could tell, carefully analyzed, strategized and implemented a care plan. Very refreshing in these times.
It's great to have Mandy back! She and [Name] [Name] are awesome!
Mandy is a very good listener and offered good advice. This was my first visit with her and I was very impressed. I will definitely continue seeing her on an as -needed basis.
Mandy was Fantastic. Despite being a new provider to Southcoast, she was well versed on my medical history and the pertinent details. She listened carefully to my concerns, gave good advice and set up a nice follow up care plan.
Mandy was very nice and explained so that I could understand.
Mandy fully present for me during our entire visit... Supportive and thorough
Mandy LeBlanc was lovely. She was pleasant and very easy to talk with, answered all my questions and listened to me and my concerns. She was diligent about scheduling procedures and working with my timetable.
Can't think of any complaints, everyone is super nice and Mandy Lablancu00A0is fantastic!
I like the way she talks to me. I feel comfortable with her. She's really good. I'm happy to know her and she listens to me. So I love her. I like her the way she was bringing everything to me okay and good.
Ms Leblanc was excellent.It was a fantastic visit.She is absolutely awesome.Highly recommend her.Her staff was professional and courteous and helpful.
I was treated with respect and allowed to voice my health concerns comfortably
Southcoast Health physician profiles now feature star ratings. Below, you’ll find frequently asked questions about our process for calculating the ratings.
Why does Southcoast publish survey ratings online?
Southcoast is dedicated to providing patients and consumers with helpful information about the quality of our patients’ experiences. Star ratings published on our physician biography pages are based on actual responses from patients of that particular physician to patient satisfaction surveys that are distributed and processed by a national patient satisfaction survey vendor.
Who receives the survey?
Our vendor sends surveys via SMS or email to all patients seen in our outpatient physician practices who have a valid smart phone number or email address on file with Southcoast Health. Surveys are sent to patients within a few days of their appointment.
How is the Patient Satisfaction Star Rating Calculated?
Star ratings are calculated using an average of all survey responses to each of three questions: Courtesy and Respect of Staff, Provider Overall Rating, and Willingness to Recommend Provider’s Office. The star rating displayed on our physicians’ main biography page represents the average of the three measures for that particular physician.