Lemonade for a Cause

Supporting a family friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer, a thoughtful group of friends Briana, Nina, Sienna, Brynn and Scarlett came together to set up a lemonade stand benefiting Southcoast Health’s Nicole Podkowa Patient and Caregiver Fund.
The fund was first created by Southcoast Health Primary Care Physician, John Podkowa, DO after he lost his wife Nicole to breast cancer in 2016. It helps Southcoast Health cancer patients, and their families receive financial assistance to help pay for utilities, food, housing, transportation, cancer-related supplies and other necessities while receiving medical treatment.
With determination and teamwork, “Lemonade for a Cause” was a success with neighbors, friends and community members from near and far stopping by for a refreshing cup of lemonade.

In addition to this support, these friends plan to participate in the upcoming Nicole Podkowa 5K Walk & Run on Sunday, October 6, fittingly naming their team “Your Little Lemonade Ladies.”
We are touched by their support of the fund and generous donation that helps allow our patients and their families to focus on what is most important throughout their cancer journeys.
For more information about the Nicole Podkowa Patient and Caregiver Fund and to join us on October 6 for the Annual Nicole Podkowa 5K Walk & Run, please visit: